Director, Blue Whale Study Inc.
Honorary Research Fellow,
School of Life & Environmental Sciences
Deakin University, Warrnambool Victoria.
Research Summary:
Pete’s main research interest since 1998 is the ecology of Endangered blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in the Bonney Upwelling and surrounding waters of south-east Australia. His Ph.D. (Ecological linkages within the Bonney Upwelling blue whale feeding area), awarded through Deakin University in 2004, focused on the dynamic linkages between weather, oceanography, prey and blue whales in this region, using aerial and boat surveys, satellite remote sensing and deployed oceanographic instruments to demonstrate that these waters are an important seasonal feeding aggregation area for blue whales. This work has progressed into description and modelling of blue whale and other cetaceans’ feeding habitat in this region. Through collaboration with the Australian Antarctic Division and the Centre for Whale Research (W.A.), Pete has also studied movements of blue whales by satellite tagging, with the dual aims of discovering patterns of movement within the summer feeding area, and where the whales migrate to during the winter breeding season. This work in 2005 was conducted using tags that implanted shallowly into blubber. Recent long-range tagging data has been achieved by other groups using tags that implant deeply into muscle; BWS has decided not to get involved with this method due to concerns about potential long-term effects of deep implants.
Between 2000-2014 Pete’s research partner was Dr Margie Morrice. With colleagues from Cascadia Research (USA), Margie and Pete studied fine-scale foraging behaviour of blue whales using suction-cup-attached dive loggers. They were also involved in a project aimed at unraveling the population genetics of Southern Hemisphere blue whales, with Macquarie and Flinders Universities, and in ongoing photo-identification (photo-ID) of individual whales. Photo-ID enables us to understand important aspects of whales’ lives including movements between areas (we exchange our images with those of other researchers elsewhere), patterns of residency (how long whales remain in feeding areas, and whether they return over multiple seasons), associations between individudal whales, population size, and the health condition of the whales. The Blue Whale Study is a founding member of the Southern Hemisphere Blue Whale Catalogue, an international collaboration to share photo-ID with the aim of discovering long-range resights between regions. In 2005 Pete sailed to the Solomon Islands on board the catamaran Pelican 1 in an unsuccessful attempt to locate blue whale winter breeding grounds, and is currently planning future expeditions to locate other blue whale aggregation areas. With Margie he consults on blue whales to State and Commonwealth Governments, and to offshore industry which operates in the whale feeding area.BWS has also become increasingly involved in working with energy companies to mitigate the impacts of offshore seismic surveys on blue and other whales. In recent years Pete and BWS have become increasingly involved in community education programs, including mentoring of local high school students.
Research interests:
Blue whale ecology and migration; upwelling dynamics and climate change; blue whale habitat modelling; interactions between cetaceans and offshore industrial activities.
After an earlier working life in the Australian bush, Pete Gill became involved in whale research and deepwater sailing in 1983. For many years he assisted Dr Bill Dawbin, the ‘grandfather’ of humpback whale research, before branching out into his own studies of humpback migration, using small sailing vessels in the Coral Sea, around New Caledonia, and off the coast of Tasmania during the 1990s. During 1989 Pete skippered the 20m schooner A.V. Thistlethwayte in the Oceanic Research Foundation’s In the Wake of Flinders circumnavigation of Australia. During 1990-91 he worked as Marine Mammal Researcher for Greenpeace Australia, while continuing humpback whale research, and attempted to build bridges between NGOs, scientists and marine operators including fishers. During the early-to-mid-1990s Pete also worked in a Sydney University research program on southern right whales at the Head of Bight (South Australia) and in Western Australia. He assisted Dr Deb Thiele in initiating the first Antarctic cetacean research program on board the GOvernment research and supply vessel Aurora Australis. He has visited Antarctica 13 times: on private sailing expeditions including Riquita’s voyage to the Ross Sea in 1986, the Mount Minto Bicentennial Expedition in 1988, and the Iniquity whale survey in 1993; on whale surveys aboard the Australian government icebreaker Aurora Australis; and as a lecturer, boat driver and guide on Antarctic tourist expeditions with Aurora Expeditions, to the Ross Sea and East Antarctica. For many years he worked as a home handyman and part-time writer and photographer to support his research and expedition activities.
Pete started the Blue Whale Study in 1998. He lives in the bush near Portland, Victoria with his wife Susie and son Felix, close to the Bonney Upwelling and the blue whales.
He is the author of Reader’s Digest Explores Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises (with Linda Gibson), the Nature Company Guide to Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises (with Mark Carwardine, Erich Hoyt and Ewan Fordyce), Whale Watching in Australian and New Zealand Waters (with Cecilia Burke) and many scientific papers, book chapters and magazine articles. His photographs have appeared in many books, and he has lectured on whales, whaling and Antarctica.
Refereed scientific papers, reports and letters
Baudinette R.V. and P. Gill. 1985. The energetics of “flying” and “paddling” in water: locomotion in penguins and ducks. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 155: 373-80.
Baudinette R.V., P. Gill and M. O’Driscoll. 1986. Energetics of the little penguin, Eudyptula minor: temperature regulation, the calorigenic effect of food, and moulting. Australian Journal of Zoology 34: 35-45.
Dawbin W.H. and P.C. Gill. 1991. Humpback whale survey along the west coast of Australia: a comparison of visual and acoustic observations. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 30(2): 255-7.
Gill P.C. 1992 (ed.) The initial scientific reports of the ‘In the Wake of Flinders’ circumnavigation of Australia, May-November 1989. Occasional Publication Number 2. Oceanic Research Foundation: Windsor, NSW.
Gill P.C. 1993. Preliminary report of a yacht-based cetacean survey through Antarctic Areas IV and V. Document of the International Whaling Commission SC/45/012 (unpublished).
Garrigue C. and P.C. Gill. 1994. Observations of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in New Caledonian waters during 1991¬-1993. Biological Conservation 70: 211-218.
Corkeron P.J., S.R. Burnell, P.C. Gill and M.M.Bryden. 1995. Telemetry of southern right whales, Eubalaena australis, off southern Australia. Report to BHP Petroleum, March 1995. Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Sydney.
Gill P.C. and C.L.K. Burton. 1995. Photographic resight of a humpback whale between Western Australia and Antarctic Area IV. Marine Mammal Science 11(1): 96-100.
Gill P.C., E.J. Eyre, C.Garrigue and W.H.Dawbin. 1995. Observations of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on a cruise to New Caledonia and the Chesterfield Reefs. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 38(2): 505-511.
Thiele, D. and P.C. Gill. 1996. Preliminary results of a Southern Ocean cetacean sightings survey in Areas IV and V. Document of the International Whaling Commission SC/48/SH22 (unpublished).
Gill, P.C. 1997. A yacht-based cetacean research cruise to Antarctic waters south of Australia. Pages 30-39 in Marine Mammal Research in the Southern Hemisphere Volume 1: Status, Ecology and Medicine, ed. by M. Hindell and C. Kemper. Surrey Beatty and Sons, Chipping Norton.
Gill, P. 1997. Whales in the Freezer. Nature Australia 25(9): 24-30.
Gill, P.C. and D. Thiele. 1997. A winter sighting of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Antarctic sea ice. Polar Biology 17(5): 401-404.
Thiele, D., P.C. Gill, N.L. Bindoff, S. Nicol and G. Hosie. 1997. Multidisciplinary ecosystem approach to studying cetaceans in the Southern Ocean. Document of the International Whaling Commission SC/49/SH5 (unpublished).
Gill, P.C., K.J. Evans and H. Wapstra. 1998. Feeding by humpback whales in Tasmanian waters. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum 107: 1-5.
Thiele, D. and P.C. Gill. 1998. The Australian Southern Ocean Pelagic Environment Monitoring Program (SOPEM): Outline of the Cetacean Monitoring Component. Reports of the International Whaling Commission 48: 168-169.
Thiele, D. and P.C. Gill. 1999. Cetacean observations during a winter voyage into Antarctic sea ice south of Australia. Antarctic Science 11(1): 48-53.
Garrigue, C., P. Forestell, J. Greaves, P. Gill, P. Naessig, N.M. Patenaude, and C.S. Baker, C.S. 2000. Migratory movements of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) between New Caledonia, East Australia and New Zealand. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 2(2):111-115.
Gill, P.C. 2000. A blue whale feeding ground off southern Australia: preliminary findings. Paper SC/52/OS 9 submitted to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission, Adelaide, June 2000 (unpublished).
Gill, P.C. 2000. A review of recent and current great whale research in the South Pacific. Paper SC/52/O 28 submitted to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (unpublished).
Gill, P.C. 2000. ‘Deakin University Blue Whale Study Final Report to Woodside Energy Limited Aerial Survey Program 1999-2000’, Report prepared by School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University for Woodside Energy Limited.
Gill, P.C., G.J.B Ross, W.H. Dawbin, and H. Wapstra. 2000. Confirmed sightings of dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) in southern Australian waters. Marine Mammal Science 16(2): 452-459.
Thiele, D., E.T. Chester and P.C. Gill. 2000. Cetacean distribution off Eastern Antarctica (80-150°E) during the austral summer of 1995/96. Deep Sea Research II 47: 2543-2572.
Gill, P.C. 2002. A blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) feeding ground in a southern Australian coastal upwelling zone. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 4(2): 179-184.
Gill, P.C. 2002. Blue whales and gas exploration in the Bonney Upwelling. Letter to Prime Minister John Howard, 30 October 2002.
Jarman, S.N., N.J. Gales, M. Tierny, P.C. Gill and N.G. Elliott. 2002. A DNA-based method for identification of krill species and its application to analysing the diet of marine vertebrate predators. Molecular Ecology 11: 2679-2690.
Morrice, M., C. Bell, J. van den Hoff, D. Thiele, P. Gill, D. Paton and M. Chambellant. 2002. Killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Australian territorial and surrounding waters – are they secure? Proceedings of Killer Whale Symposium, Chizé, France, September 2002.
Gill, P.C. and J. Hughes. 2003. Aerial observations of blue and other whales during Santos Ltd seismic survey in VIC/P51, 13-15 November 2003. Australocetus Research report to Santos Ltd.
Gill, P. and M. Morrice. 2003. Cetacean observations, blue whale compliance aerial surveys, Santos Ltd seismic survey program, Vic/P51 and P52, November – December 2002. Final report to Santos Ltd. Report WEG 01/2003, Whale Ecology Group (Southern Ocean), Deakin University.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2003. Blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling – current information. Deakin University, School of Ecology and Environment, Technical Paper 2003/1. 29 pp.
Gill, P. and M. Morrice. 2003. The Bonney Blues. Nature Australia 27: 39-45.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2003. Cetacean observations, blue whale compliance aerial surveys, Santos Ltd seismic survey program, VIC/P51 and P52, November –December 2002. Report WEG 01/2003, Whale Ecology Group, Deakin University.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2003. Blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling Region, Southern Australia, Progress Report to WDCS, May 2003. Blue Whale Study, Australocetus Research, and Whale Ecology Group – Southern Ocean, School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Warrnambool.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2003. Blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling Region, Southern Australia, Progress Report to IFAW, June 2003. Blue Whale Study, Australocetus Research, and Whale Ecology Group – Southern Ocean, School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Warrnambool.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2003. Blue Horizons. WDCS Magazine 29: 8-9.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2003. The amazing feeding habits of blue whales. Coastline, the Coast Action/Coastcare Newsletter, VIC 28: 3.
Gill, P.C. and J. Hughes. 2003. Aerial observations of blue and other whales during Santos Ltd seismic survey in VIC/P51, 13-15 November 2003. Report to Santos Ltd.
Gill, P.C., M.G. Morrice, D. Thiele and S. McKay. 2003. Broad- and fine-scale ecosystem studies in a southern Australian blue whale feeding ground. Paper SC/55/E12 submitted to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission, Berlin, May 2003 (unpublished).
Gill, P.C. 2004. Ecological linkages in the Bonney Upwelling blue whale feeding area. Ph.D. thesis, School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Warrnambool, Victoria 3280.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2004. Ecology of blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling region, Final Report to Environment Australia, calendar year 2003. Blue Whale Study, Australocetus Research, and Whale Ecology Group – Southern Ocean, School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Warrnambool.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2004. Blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling and adjacent waters. Pp 27-28 in Proceedings of the National Symposium on Ecosystem Research and the Mangement of Fish and Fisheries. Adelaide, 19-24 September 2004.
Gill, P.C, M.G. Morrice and A.H. Levings. 2004. Summary of mitigation aerial surveys for the Santos Ltd Hill 1 drilling program, December 2003. Report WEG 01/2004, Whale Ecology Group, Deakin University.
Morrice, M.G., P.C. Gill, J. Hughes and A.H. Levings. 2004. Summary of aerial surveys conducted for the Santos Ltd EPP32 seismic survey, 2-13 December 2003. Report # WEG-SO 02/2004, Whale Ecology Group-Southern Ocean, Deakin University.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2005. Ecology of blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling region, Final Report to Dept. Environment & Heritage, calendar year 2004. Blue Whale Study, Australocetus Research, and Whale Ecology Group – Southern Ocean, School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Warrnambool.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2006. Ecology of blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling region, Final Report to Dept. Environment & Heritage, calendar year 2005. Blue Whale Study, Australocetus Research, and Whale Ecology Group – Southern Ocean, School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University, Warrnambool.
Branch, T.A., D.M. Palacios, K.M. Stafford, C. Allison, J.L. Bannister, C.L.K. Burton, P.C. Gill, K.C.S. Jenner, M.-N.M. Jenner, T. Miyashita, M.G. Morrice, V.J. Sturrock, R.C. Anderson, A.N. Baker, P.B. Best, P. Borsa, S. Childerhouse, K.P. Findlay, A.D. Ilangakoon, M. Joergensen, B. Kahn, B. Maughan, Y.A. Mikhalev, Oman Whale and Dolphin Research Group, D. Thiele, D. Tormosov, K. van Waerebeek and R. M. Warneke. 2006. Past and present distribution of blue whales in the Southern Hemisphere and northern Indian Ocean. Paper SC/58/SH16 presented to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (unpublished).
Branch, T.A., Stafford, K.M., Palacios, D.M., Allison, C., Bannister, J.L., Burton, C.L.K., Cabrera, E., Carlson, C.A., Galletti Vernazzani, B., Gill, P.C., Hucke-Gaete, R., Jenner, K.C.S., Jenner, M.-N.M., Matsuoka, K., Mikhalev, Y.A., Miyashita, T., Morrice, M.G., Nishiwaki, S., Sturrock, V.J., Tormosov, D., Anderson, R.C., Baker, A.N., Best, P.B., Borsa, P., Brownell Jr, R.L., Childerhouse, S., Findlay, K.P., Gerrodette, T., Ilangakoon, A.D., Joergensen, M., Kahn, B., Ljungblad, D.K., Maughan, B., McCauley, R.D., McKay, S., Norris, T.F., Oman Whale and Dolphin Research Group, Rankin, S., Samaran, F., Thiele, D., Van Waerebeek, K. and Warneke, R.M. 2007. Past and present distribution, densities and movements of blue whales Balaenoptera musculus in the Southern Hemisphere and northern Indian Ocean. Mammal Review 37:116-175.
Middleton, J.F., C. Arthur, P. Van Ruth, T.M. Ward, J. McLean, M. Maltrud, P.Gill, A. Levings and S. Middleton. 2007. El Niño effects and upwelling off South Australia. Journal of Physical Oceanography 37(10): 2458-2477.
Gill, P.C., C.M. Kemper. M. Talbot and S.A. Lyons. 2008. Large group of pygmy right whales seen in a shelf upwelling region off Victoria, Australia. Marine Mammal Science 24(4): 962-968.
Attard C.R.M., L.B. Beheregaray, C. Jenner, P. Gill, M. Morrice, J. Bannister, R. LeDuc and L. Möller. 2010. Genetic diversity and structure of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) in Australian feeding aggregations. Conservation Genetics 11: 2437-2441.
Levings, A.H. and P.C. Gill. 2010. Seasonal winds drive water temperature cycle and migration patterns of southern Australian giant crab Pseudocarcinus gigas. Pp. 461-478 In Biology and Management of Exploited Crab Populations under Climate Change, edited by G.H. Kruse, G.L. Eckert, R.J. Foy, R.N. Lipcius, B. Sainte-Marie, D.L. Stram, and D. Woodby, Alaska Sea Grant College Program, 2010.
Lavery, T.J., B. Roudnew, P. Gill, J. Seymour, L. Seuront, G. Johnson, J.G. Mitchell, V. Smetacek. 2010. Iron defecation by sperm whales stimulates carbon export in the Southern Ocean. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 3527–3531.
Gill, P.C., M.G. Morrice, B. Page, R. Pirzl, A.H. Levings and M. Coyne. 2011. Blue whale habitat selection and within-season distribution in a regional upwelling system off southern Australia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 421: 243-263.
Attard C.R.M., L.B. Beheregaray, K.C.S. Jenner, P.C. Gill, M.-N. Jenner, M.G. Morrice, K. Robertson and L.M. Möller. 2012. Hybridization of Southern Hemisphere blue whale subspecies and a sympatric area off Antarctica: impacts of whaling or climate change? Molecular Ecology doi: 10.1111/mec.12025
Gill, P.C., R. Pirzl, M.G. Morrice and K. Lawton. In press (Feb 2015). Cetacean diversity of the continental shelf and slope off southern Australia. Journal of Wildlife Management.
Other publications
Bramich, D. and P. Gill. 1995. Antarctic Whales and Dolphins. Australia Post Philatelic Section: Melbourne.
Carwardine, M., E. Hoyt, E. Fordyce, and P. Gill. 1998. Nature Company Guide to Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Readers Digest, Sydney.
Gill, P. 1987. Antarctica – an inspiring ice continent. Cruising Helmsman, May 1987.
Gill, P. 1987. Riquita’s Antarctic Cruise. Australian Geographic, 6: 23-25.
Gill, P. 1989. Natural Science. Appendix to The Loneliest Mountain, by L. Hall and J. Chester. Simon and Schuster: Sydney.
Gill, P. 1990. Voyage to Mount Minto. Offshore, August/September 1990.
Gill, P. 1990. Strangling the seas: high seas driftnets. Australian Wellbeing No. 41.
Gill, P. 1990. In search of seals. Cruising Helmsman, August 1990.
Gill, P. 1991. Why cetaceans shouldn’t like humans. Dolphin and Whale Journal 2: 14-16.
Gill, P. 1991. Background notes on the southern right whale, Eubalaena australis, and the possible effects of offshore oil exploration and development in right whale calving grounds off southern Australia. Ocean Ecology Campaign Background Paper, Greenpeace Australia.
Gill, P. 1993. Japanese Antarctic whaling. In Asia in Antarctica, ed. R. Herr. Proceedings of the “Asia in Antarctica” Conference, Hobart 1991. University of Tasmania: Hobart
Gill, P. 1994. In search of the last whales. Australian Geographic 35: 19-20.
Gill, P. 1994. Spinnakers and icebergs: Iniquity in Antarctica. Out There, Issue 3.
Gill, P. 1997. Unlucky strikes? Collisions with whales. Cruising Helmsman, February 1997.
Gill, P. and L. Gibson. 1997. Readers Digest Explores Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Reader’s Digest Books, New York and Montreal.
Gill, P. and C. Burke. 1999. Whale watching in Australian and New Zealand Waters. New Holland and Australian Geographic, Sydney.
Gill, P. 2000. The Little Guide to Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises [consultant editor]. Fog City Press, San Francisco.
Gill, P. and C. Burke. 2004. Whale watching in Australian and New Zealand Waters. New Holland, Sydney (new edition).
Gill, P.C. 2008. Sei whales. Pp 796-797 in Mammals of Australia, eds. S. Van Dyke and R. Strahan. New Holland Press, Sydney.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2008. Blue whales. Pp 799-801 in Mammals of Australia, eds. S. Van Dyke and R. Strahan. New Holland Press, Sydney.
M.G. Morrice and P.C. Gill. 2008. Killer whales. Pp 860-861 in Mammals of Australia, eds. S. Van Dyke and R. Strahan. New Holland Press, Sydney.
Gill, P.C. In press. The fin whale. In Threatened species of Queensland.
Conference and workshop presentations
September 1990, Humpback Whale Conference, Queensland Museum: ‘A humpback whale survey along the coast of Western Australia: comparison of visual and acoustic methods.’
July 1997, New Zealand Marine Sciences Society conference, Auckland, New Zealand: “A program of cetacean research in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary”.
September 2000, Humpback Whale Conference, Queensland Museum (with Paul Hodda): “Observations of humpback whale behaviour in Antarctic waters”.
November 2000, Bass Strait Forum, Launceston, Tasmania: “Blue whales in western Bass Strait”.
May 2001, Southern Hemisphere Marine Mammal Conference, Phillip Island, Victoria: “Ecology of blue whales in the Bonney upwelling region of southeast Australia”.
November 2001, Biennial Marine Mammal Conference, Society for Marine Mammalogy, Vancouver, Canada. (Abstract presented but unable to attend the conference): “A blue whale feeding ground in a coastal upwelling off southern Australia”.
June 2002. Workshop presentation, Conservation Assessment of the Bonney Upwelling, Melbourne.
July 2002, Australian Mammal Society Annual Conference, Warrnambool, Victoria: “Blue whales in the Bonney Coast upwelling”.
May. 2003. Conway, C., L. Lyons, R. Sears, J., P. Gill, and B. Population structure of the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) based on nuclear genetic variation. Poster presentation for 15th Biennial Marine Mammal Conference, Greensboro North Carolina, December 2003.
April 2004. APPEA conference, Canberra: “The distribution and behaviour of cetaceans during petroleum exploration: a recent case study on the Southern Margins” (with John Hughes, Santos Ltd).
May 2004. Cetacean Research Partnerships Workshop, Ballina NSW: “Blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling” (with M.G. Morrice).
May 2004. Cetacean Research Partnerships Workshop, Ballina NSW: “The distribution and behaviour of cetaceans during petroleum exploration: a recent case study on the Southern Margins” (with John Hughes).
July 2004. Seminar for review of guidelines for conduct of seismic surveys in relation to large cetaceans, Melbourne: “The distribution and behaviour of cetaceans during petroleum exploration: a recent case study on the Southern Margins” (with J. Hughes, M.G. Morrice).
September 2004. Fisheries Ecosystem Symposium, Australian Society for Fish Biology conference, Adelaide, South Australia: “Blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling and adjacent waters”.
Gill, P. C. and M. G. Morrice. February 2006. Blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling. Whale Research Priorities Conference, Adelaide SA.
Gill, P., Jenner, K., Gales, N. and Morrice, M. 2007. Movements of blue whales off southern Australia. Blue Whale Workshop, 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2007.
Gill, P.C., M.G. Morrice, and A.H. Levings. 2007. Seasonal variability in upwelling and blue whale occurrence in a coastal feeding ground off south-east Australia, 2002-2007. 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2007.
Attard, C., Möller, L.M., Jenner, C., Gill, P., Kanda, N., Jenner, M., Morrice, M., Bannister, J., LeDuc, R., Beheregaray, L.B. 2007. Novel genetic markers for stock identification of blue whales and genetic differentiation between two Australian feeding aggregations. 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2007.
Möller, L.M., Attard, C., Jenner, C., Gill, P., Kanda, N., Jenner, M., Morrice, M., Bannister, J., LeDuc, R., Beheregaray, L.B. 2007. Population genetic structure of two Australian blue whale feeding aggregations. Blue Whale Workshop, 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2007. Morrice, M, Calambokidis, J., Gill, P., Schorr, G. and Jarman, S. 2007. Blue whale foraging strategies: responses to a dynamic prey field in southern Australia. AMSA 45th Annual Conference, Melbourne, July 2007.
Morrice, M., Gill, P., Calambokidis, J., Schorr, G. and Jarvis, T. 2007. Blue whale foraging strategies: responses to a dynamic prey field off southern Australia. 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2007.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2009. Blue whales in the Bonney Upwelling and adjacent waters. Seismic and whales workshop, hosted by Department of Environment, Water, heritage & the Arts, Fremantle, April 2009.
Gill, P.C., M.G. Morrice, B. Page, R. Pirzl, M.Coyne and A.H. Levings. 2009. Blue whale seasonal distribution and habitat, Bonney Upwelling & adjacent waters. Australian Marine Sciences Association annual conference, Adelaide, July 2009.
Gill, P.C. and M.G. Morrice. 2011. Blue whales in the Great Australian Bight: current knowledge. Australian Marine Sciences Association (SA Branch) Sixth Annual Symposium – The Great Australian Bight: ecosystem and resource management. Adelaide, September 2011.
Gill, P.C., R. Pirzl, M.G. Morrice and K. Lawton. 2013. Cetacean diversity of the continental shelf and slope off southern Australia. Poster presentation, 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, December 2013.
Morrice, M., T. Jarvis, M. Garcia, P. Gill, P. van Ruth and A. Bellgrove. 2013. The constant forager: prey availability and fine-scale ocean structure shape foraging choices in pygmy blue whales. Poster presentation, 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, December 2013.