Newsletter Launch Popular

The Blue Whale Study team are elated that the first Blue Whale Study e-newsletter has finally been launched.  “It has taken over 12 months to get to the point where we sent out our first e-newsletter earlier this month” said Dr. Peter Gill, Senior Research Scientist with Blue Whale Study.

The e-newsletter is compiled by the team based at Tyrendarra and then sent to graphic artist Nicole Stewart for formatting and editing before being sent out to subscribers via MailChimp.  “MailChimp is a platform which is perfect for our small organisation, it provided us with the ability to easily manage subscribers and provide links to the newsletter through other social media outlets” said Dr. Gill.

There are to be 4 editions each year based on the seasons.  The Winter Blues Newsletter has a dozen short articles with links to the Blue Whale Study website where more information is provided.  Updates on field projects, educational activities and news stories are summarised in the newsletter.

“Communicating with our supporters is a challenge given the small workforce we have available.  The newsletter is a great way to achieve this and as it is a quarterly edition we have the time and capacity to work on articles as they happen and make ready for the next edition”, said Dr. Gill.

The next edition will be available in November.  “We have had 21 new subscribers register for the newsletter since the launch and we would love to see more subscribers join us. It’s as easy as heading to our website ( and entering your details in the ‘Subscribe to Blue News’ box on the home page.”

Media Contact Details:

Dr. Peter Gill
CEO/Senior Research Scientist
Blue Whale Study
C/- Post Office
Narrawong Vic 3285
Ph:  03 55 295207
Mb: 0409147875